Support the Dodgen Orchestra! Fundraising now through September 20.
As part of Cobb County School policy for all non-employee volunteers, we need you to submit/resubmit the background check request to volunteer for anything which has you come in contact with our orchestra students. This process takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Please follow the steps below:
1. Click the link to fill out the Cobb County form. Volunteer Application
2. Receive a thank you email from Ident-A-Kid
3. Receive a 2nd email from Sterling Volunteers to complete process
a. You will need to create an account if you've never done this process or you'll need to log in.
b. Complete the information requested (you will be asked for social security number, birthday, address, length of time at address...)
c. Read through agreement and check boxes
d. Submit form (no cost to you---it will not ask for payment but will show CCSD will pay the $10 fee)
4. Receive final email (within a few minutes) from Sterling Volunteers that they received the order was received
5. Email AND after you have received this final email so we can check off that you are done!
If you are willing and able to help anytime during the school day, please email Mrs.Culley at: